HFI’s ethos and unique mission affirmed for me that no one’s suffering should be ignored. I am grateful for the exceptional clinical experience and the excellent, inclusive training I received.

Pilar Jennings Ph.D.

Psychoanalyst and HFI graduate

Training Programs:

The Program in Psychoanalysis is our full training program in psychoanalysis.

The program, which encompasses child, adolescent, parent and individual adult work, is open only to applicants who are licensed health professionals holding at least a master’s degree in any field from a program recognized by New York State, and who wish to become certified as psychoanalysts.

Applicants must hold current New York State licenses in clinical psychology, licensed clinical social work, medicine, or as a licensed psychoanalyst, physician’s assistant, registered professional nurse or nurse practitioner. LMSWs may also apply (see sidebar at right). The program usually takes five to six years part time, though candidates may elect to progress more swiftly or more slowly.

Graduates will receive a Certificate in Psychoanalysis.

Click for the Program in Psychoanalysis page.

The Licensure-Qualifying Program in Psychoanalysis is our training program for anyone with a master’s degree in any field from a program recognized by New York State, regardless of whether they are licensed or not.

The program, which encompasses child, adolescent, parent and individual adult work, is for applicants who wish to become a New York State Licensed Psychoanalyst. It usually takes five years part time, though candidates may elect to progress in as few as four years or to take longer than five years.

Graduates will receive a Certificate of Completion, after which they may apply to New York State’s Office of the Professions for licensing and a limited permit, allowing them to sit the state licensing exam and accrue any more clinical hours needed for licensing. Once they have become Licensed Psychoanalysts and have met the Institute’s few remaining requirements, they would be eligible to receive an HFI Certificate in Psychoanalysis.

Click for the Licensure-Qualifying Program in Psychoanalysis page.

The Program in Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is for licensed health professionals who want specific training in child and adolescent work.

The program is designed for licensed mental-health professionals who want to learn how to work psychoanalytically with children, adolescents and their parents or caregivers. It usually takes two to three years part time, though candidates may elect to progress at their own pace.

Applicants must hold current New York State licenses in clinical psychology, licensed clinical social work, medicine, or as a licensed psychoanalyst, physician’s assistant, registered professional nurse or nurse practitioner. LMSWs may also apply (see sidebar at right).

At any stage, students in this program may switch to the full Program in Psychoanalysis and use all their accrued hours toward that program, given the extensive overlap between the two programs.

Graduates will receive a Certificate in Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

Click for the Program in Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy page.

Clinical Settings for Psychology Students and LIMITED-PERMIT HOLDERS


The Psychology Externship / Internship Program is designed for students enrolled in licensure-qualifying graduate programs in psychology who want to accrue externship / internship or other hours.

The Institute is able to provide externship / internship and training settings for students enrolled in graduate programs in psychology that are registered with the New York State Education Department as licensure-qualifying to help them accrue experiential hours. The program enables the students to do clinical work under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. The Institute requires that the students remain with the Institute for at least two years and charges an administrative fee of $2,400 to $2,900 a year to cover the costs of the program. It may further require that they take some courses in child work.

The Clinical-Experience Program. The Institute offers clinical experience in its clinical settings to limited-permit holders in many mental-health fields who wish to accrue hours toward state licensing.

The program is open to limited-permit holders in psychoanalysis, social work, creative-arts therapy, marriage and family therapy and mental-health counseling. It allows students to do clinical work under the weekly supervision of an Institute supervisor appropriate to the scope of their permit. The Institute requires that the students pay an administrative fee of $2,400 to $2,900 per year to cover its costs. It also requires that they remain with the Institute for at least two years and may further require that they take some courses in child work.


Apply now for psychoanalytic training starting in February and September.

Download our Admission Application.


Catalogue & Training Manual

The Institute's catalogue describes its training programs in detail.

Download a PDF of our Catalogue.


LMSW Applicants

The Institute welcomes applications from Licensed Masters in Social Work who want to undertake psychoanalytic training toward psychoanalytic certification while simultaneously using their clinical hours in this program toward their License in Clinical Social Work.

They should apply for the full Program in Psychoanalysis or the shorter Program in Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. They may transfer from this shorter program to the full program at any time.

Their casework will be supervised by an LCSW, licensed psychologist, MD or equivalent who is certified in psychoanalysis by a recognized psychoanalytic institute or is otherwise psychoanalytically competent. The LCSW license includes psychoanalysis in its scope of practice.

Applicants With
Other Mental-Health

Applicants who hold licenses or master's degrees in mental-health counseling, creative-arts therapy or marriage and family therapy should enroll in the Institute's Licensure-Qualifying Program in Psychoanalysis because licenses in those fields don’t include psychoanalysis in their scope of practice.

Without psychoanalysis in their scope of practice, they may not practice psychoanalysis except through a licensure-qualifying program, unless they embark on training elsewhere for one of the other licenses that include psychoanalysis in their scope of practice. The Institute received state approval to introduce a licensure-qualifying program in August 2015.